Not finding work as fun and flowy as you'd hoped?
Taking on work and projects you don't really want to do because something is better than nothing?
Recognise you're undercharging and overdelivering, working all the hours trying to keep clients onside and happy?
Wondering what those other Freelancers, Consultants & Coaches who are doing really well, securing all the gigs, showing up on social media shouting about their success and speaking at all the events are doing that you're not?
The Accelerator could be for you.
I'm currently looking for 3 Case Study Clients who are ready to get moving in March.
As part of The Accelerator Case Study you will get:
A personalised strategy to take your business to the next level in a way that works for you.
We'll start by auditing where you're at and getting really clear on the things standing in your way of hitting your financial goals and having the fun and flexible business you desire.
We'll get clear on your ideal clients and your offer stack.
We'll audit and optimise your offer so it's an absolute no-brainer for your potential clients.
Next up we're going to look at the systems that will support you to consistently attract the right clients.
We'll get crystal clear on the ready to buy version of your ideal client and the steps to take which will have your dream clients reaching out to you.
We'll work on your sales conversation skills and we'll look at the money objections your clients might have around investing and how we overcome them.
You'll work closely with me over 6 months. We'll get together fortnightly to make sure you're making great progress and getting results. You'll be set homework tasks to complete before we next meet. You'll get unlimited access to me via Voxer. You'll also have 3 group calls where you can get support from me and the other Accelerator clients so you're never stuck.
If you pay in full you also get my flagship From Fundraiser to Freelancer™ online self study course and worksheets and you'll be invited to an in person VIP Mastermind Day which takes place in London during May. (Combined value of £1100.)
​To join The Accelerator Case Study we will need to have a call to ensure it's the right fit for us both. I only work with people who I've qualified and that meet the criteria. ​
So if you're already working with clients and they're getting great results, you're ready to get going in March, you're friendly, coachable and fun to work with, you're ready to try different strategies and you're willing to document the process, fill out this form and I'll get back to you.
As a case study I'm giving you a discount on the investment* and in exchange we'll document your progress so I can use you as a case study in my marketing.
It's a great deal for both of us - you hit your immediate goals to get more ideal clients, work less and make more money and you have a rinse and repeatable strategy you can use to continue to attract more ideal clients, work less and make more money long after the case study has finished.
I'll have a great case study I can use to attract more dream clients like you!
I only have space for 3 Case Study Clients in March.
*The Case Study investment is £4000 (usually £5000) or you can spread the cost over 6 months; £750 per month for 6 months (usually £900 per month).
"I genuinely can't believe how different I feel already. Not a huge amount has changed about my situation but I feel like everything has changed about the lens that I look at my situation through. And that is entirely because of working with you. I've really found it quite life changing genuinely. It's shifting the way that I'm looking at everything." Emma
"I’ve made more progress in the months I’ve been working with Jane, than the last few years
combined." Jo
"I believe the benefits to my mindset and confidence have returned tenfold to my work. Jane's coaching has had a lasting, positive impact on my personal growth and professional contributions." Claire