The results are in!
What’s really going on right now in the world of Charity Events?
This is the question I and many of my members wanted to get answered as we hit the mid way point of the year. 2022 was tipped to be the come back for charity events, no more Covid restrictions! The return of Live Events! All that pent up demand and new runners/cyclists to promote our activity to!
The reality for many charities has been a level rate of sign ups at best, or a significant decline at worst. War, Cost of Living Increases, Change in working patterns and Re-locations, have all contributed to another uncertain period for charity event fundraisers.
I sent out a survey in the last week of June 2022 and received 81 responses from event fundraisers. The topline results of which are displayed below.
Q: Does your charity organise challenge and special events?
A: 67% both, 11% only Special Events, 22% only Challenge Events.
Q: Do you currently have less events overall planned in 2022/23 compared to 2019? (Skipping 2020 & 2021 for obvious reasons)
A: 42% said less events, 34% said same, 24% said more
Q: Have you decided to shelve or cancel an annual event this year?
A: 56% said No, we’re still planning our annual events to run as per 2019, 35% said Yes, we have shelved/cancelled an annual event, 9% undecided/other.
Q: Overall, have sign ups to your running and challenge events been consistent with 2019, less or more?
A: 73% said less than in 2019. 10% said consistent with 2019, 9% said more than 2019, 8% said other (ie. haven’t done events before, drop outs much higher)
Q: Have ticket sales to your special events (galas, dinners, receptions etc) been roughly consistent with 2019, less or more?
A: 44% said less than in 2019, 24% said consistent, 14% said more than, 18% said other/not applicable.
Q: If you are experiencing LESS signs up to your Challenge Events this year compared to 2019, what are the reasons participants are giving for this?
A: 41% said cost of living increase and/or nervous to ask for sponsorship, 32% said they don’t want to commit to fundraising, 14% said concerned about rising Covid levels, 8% don’t want to commit to training, 6% said other (ie. clash with other events, unknown)
Q: Have you raised similar income so far from your Challenge Events this year?
A: 64% said events income is down compared to pre Covid years, 13% said events income is up and 24% said events income is on track and consistent with pre Covid years.
Q: Have you raised similar income from your Special Events this year?
A: 42% said Special Events income is down, 25% said on track and consistent with pre Covid years, 14% said income is up, 19% said other (ie. we don’t offer them, not far enough through calendar to know yet)
Q: If you are experiencing slower/lower ticket sales to your Special Events compared to 2019, what are the reasons Guests are giving for this?
A: 39% conscious of price of living increase, 20% concerns about rising Covid levels, 19% don’t want to travel, 14% moved away from town/location of event, 8% other (ie. clash of dates due to holidays)
Q: Have you introduced any different events into your programme this year compared to 2019?
A: 70% yes, 30% no
Q: Has your team size reduced since 2019?
A: 51% said yes, 49% said no
If nothing else, I hope this has helped you to know that, if things are particularly challenging right now, you are not alone.
If you’d like a copy of the full report and to read all the comments made, you can do so here.
Huge thanks to everyone that filled it in, and Congratulations to Lynn Russell for winning the £25 voucher!
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